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Since 2017, Governor Andrew Cuomo proclaimed each October the NY State School Vision Health Month

Dr. Gallin was instrumental in bringing this to fruition as Chief Medical Advisor. Vision Screens were adopted by the NY State Regents at intervals K-12. An effort to bring attention, examinations and discounted and free glasses to the children of NY State.  New York is the first state to do this.



Dr Gallin was published in the New York Times bringing a voice to explain middle school children's vision were not being adequately addressed and children were at a disadvantage to learning because they couldn't see the lessons.  This spurred her advocacy to assist in passing the state of New York passing subsidized eye exams in public schools.

Dr. Gallin has been writing and speaking from the perspective of a Patient Advocate for years. She has authored, "How To Survive Your Doctors Care" , "The Savvy Mom's Guide to Medical Care" and "Pediatric Ophthalmology", which is a textbook used internationally by Ophthalmologists, Pediatricians and Medical Students. "How To Survive" had a 4 day series on The Today Show.

A guide to navigating the health care system urges readers to keep their eyes open and their insticts tuned as they analyze the care they are receiving, with advice on how to read an X-ray or CAT scan, prescribe medicine properly, choose a good specialist, and read the signs when discussing important medical issues with a primary care physician.

What your best friend would tell you if she were a pediatrician. Nothing makes a parent feel more frightened or vulnerable than a sick child. But parents don''t need to know how to practice medical care, they need to know how to arrange it, because most parents still rely on the doctor when their children are sick. 

Filling the gap between high-level subspecialist texts and introductory manuals, this groundbreaking book is the first to synthesize complex information in pediatric ophthalmology into one user-friendly volume. You will find a thorough, but not exhaustive, introduction to all the basics of diagnosis and treatment - giving you quick access to the information you need. 


Dr. Gallin is the Founder of


She has brought attention to the need for Children's Vision Screens and Eye Examinations in elementary and high schools on a regional and national level. She is a consultant to the New York City Department of Education, designing the examination for 60,000 high school children. In addition, she is working on studies with members of the Department of Pediatrics, and the School of Public Health on the possible connection between better vision with glasses and school achievement.

Dr. Gallin participated in Hilary Clinton's White House Health Care Task Force and presented the need for children vision to Former President Obama's Secretary of Disabilities

She also brought 15 children from Bosnia into the USA for medical care who ultimately received political asylum and brought in extended family members. Recently, Dr. Gallin has cared for refugee children from Iraq, Pakistan, Africa and Nepal who were brought to the USA for complicated eye care.

Dr. Gallin has joined many organizations to help aid in addressing vision diseases

She is proactive in the National Organization of Rare Diseases, NAVH: the National Association for the Visually Handicapped and the Board of Fight For Sight. United Cerebral Palsy honored her with the Luella Bennack Award as "A Woman Who Cares".

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